Finding balance in a chaotic world

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October 2024



The blog is going on haitus

I’m sorry to do this but I’m putting Balance in All Things on haitus for a while.

The reason is simply that my father was my most loyal reader. He commented to me on more than one occasion that he enjoyed what I wrote and continued to encourage me on it. I don’t think he knew how much writing I actually did before I started this blog, or at least I never wrote anything that he related with. So this blog turned out to be something special between us.

Now, when I sit down to write a post… I just come up blank. I think about Dad and just cannot focus on the post. It is basically too emotional for me to write.

I hope in time that I can come back to it, but for the immediate future, I’ll be walking away.

Thanks for reading.

My Father Passed Away

After my Grandmother’s funeral on Friday, my father had a massive heart attack and died. I’m not really sure what else to say about it. It just came as a shock. The only good news I have is that I have no regrets with my father. Nothing I wished I had told him before he passed on. He got to visit us a few weeks ago and he was surrounded by family when he died. Also, it was quick. I am very grateful for our relationship and that there was nothing left unsaid, probably a benefit of a balanced life. If you are estranged from family members, take the time this Christmas to make amends, even if they are the ones who wronged you. Nothing is more disappointing than losing the chance to reconcile with a family member.

The Lost Art of the Thank You Card

Yesterday Amy and I went to a wonderful Christmas party hosted by my writing group. One thing I enjoyed about it was interacting with people I did not know too well and also I finally got to show off my wife to them. As I was getting ready for bed, I realized the perfect way to express my appreciation for the invitation was a Thank You card with a quick note in it. Read more »

The Job Will Get Done

Sunday started off a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny. By the evening, the temperature dropped to below freezing and sleet hit. The next morning a nice and shiny covering of icy lay on the ground. Unfortunately, this scenario is not unusual in Oklahoma. Driving to work wasn’t too bad, just the neighborhood streets were really slick. The next day was a little worse as all of the driving on the streets melted the ice just enough to zambonie it. When Amy came home from work, she couldn’t get the car up the driveway, the tires just spun. So I came out to see what I could do. Read more »

My Grandmother Passed Away

My posting will be sporadic this week due to family issues.


Saturday evening I received a phone call telling me that my grandmother had passed away. She was 89 and still self-sufficient for the most part. I will miss her, but I’m glad for the time I had with her. I called every pretty much every week and did so the Sunday before she passed, so I’m glad for that. I had also sent her pictures of the kids a few weeks ago so she saw those as well. Overall she passed quickly and her quality of life was still pretty high. She was an amazing lady and I’m a better person thanks to her. Read more »