Finding balance in a chaotic world

Archive for July, 2008

Keeping Inspired

Go for itWhen Amy and I were paying off our debt I knew it would take us a couple of years to finally retire all of it. As I mentioned in a previous post, it was reading Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover that first inspired us to do it. However keeping going for two years would take continual reinforcement as I am easily distracted and discouraged. Seeing progress always helps and as one of our debts disappeared, that kept me going for a few months. Still I knew that I could fall into old habits if I wasn’t careful. So I looked for inspiration and found it in the blog Get Rich Slowly. Read more »

Balance on Vacation

MallI’m back after an enjoyable family vacation. While I won’t say I’m well rested, vacationing with a three and six year-old is never restful, I will say that it was one of the most relaxing vacations I’ve had in quite a while. The main reason for this was all due to my wonderful wife who carefully planned out the details of our vacation. She did such a great job that we just coasted through the week and enjoyed our time together. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that our method is a little anal-retentive, but it did such a great job or alleviating preventable stress on our trip that I felt it was worth sharing. Read more »